This program provides students with technical and soft skills that will help them to become successful in a health care profession. Students interested in careers that provide health care (Nursing, CNA) or health care support careers (medical coder, transcriber, office assistant, health services managers) will benefit from this course.

Instruction includes topics such as workplace ethics and professionalism, medical terminology, study habits, and learning styles and techniques. Health careers will be explored including the necessary post-secondary education options and requirements, job search and interview techniques.

Successful completion of the Health Careers program is a significant portion of the selection process for students in the Nursing Assistant Program their senior year.



Course Location

Richland Community College Campus

Areas of Study

  • Workplace ethics
  • Learning styles/study techniques
  • Health care career opportunities
  • Money management
  • Leadership skills
  • Employment skills

  • Tech Academy Richland Course/Credit
    This is a ONE YEAR only program Health Careers HLTH 115: Intro to Health Careers

    Credits Earned: 4.0